Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Alvin Jr.
While it's not the smae quality as Alivn-Earthworm, if you keep at it, you could be up there with him. Keep practicing and soon enough, you'll be a Newgrounds great.
Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Alvin Jr.
While it's not the smae quality as Alivn-Earthworm, if you keep at it, you could be up there with him. Keep practicing and soon enough, you'll be a Newgrounds great.
Alvin Jr.??????
Wow, thanks a lot! I never thought that anyone could define me a kind of "Alvin Jr.".
Personally I think that it is still a too big title for me.
Hehe.. but thanks anyway!!
May the Stick, be with you
Wow...a stick movie worth watching. Epic stuff man.
Thanks, glad you think so. :)
Pretty Good
Nice work guys, nice work.
Thanks. :D
Pretty good
Animation is very fluid and good. Although an "M" rating is pushing it a little, there's no blood, so really, this could've passed as an Everyone submission if you think of it. But i digress. Good graphics, and ok for a stick movie. 7 out of 10. 3 out of 5.
well it was ''excessive violence'' I guess...
KGB was the only good one. The others were bad. Sak was pointless, and not funny, while Kovio was basically Kitty Krew The Game which Beedog posted. So technically, you re-posted something. KGB was at least kinda funy. MONEY MONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMO NEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMONEYMONE YMONEYCARSCARSCARSCARSCARSCARSCARSCAR SCARSCARSCARSCARSCARSCARS.....put more effort in this stuff plz.
hey screw u bud!
epic fail....for Mr. Videogame
mr. vg himself mc mario bitch
All of a sudden I bursted out laughing. It was hilarious.
Thanks! :D
I like pancakes!
Age 29, Male
Space Tree
Joined on 6/1/10